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If you’re wondering about the title, it’s in Latin. The English translation is: ‘Justice Served But Late.’ If you cannot guess by the photos, i decided to make a comment on the passing of OJ Simpson. Not so much to remember him, but to remember his fallen victims.

You see, since I heard the OJ Simpson had passed away, due to prostrate cancer, I wanted to think carefully about how to respond. In the late 1990’s, I watched all of the coverage about the murders unfold on TV in the 1990’s: the investigation, the infamous Ford Bronco “chase” in LA, the trial, and the acquittal. OJ had taken us all captive and took us on a “ride” the American public hadn’t bargained for. I was a young wife and mother at the time, also attending college, so the TV in the student center was always on and on whatever channel was covering the trial. I was early on in my abuse, but I felt in my bones that he had killed her. I mourned this lovely young woman and her friend…I mourned for those children whose lives had been turned upside down. I was early on in my abuse, but I knew what she could’ve feared: a jealous ex-husband not ever wanting her happy and at peace. A jealous Ex who if he couldn’t have her, then, well, no else could either!

I will try to be tasteful, as I write this, as I know Mr. Simpson was acquitted, but I’m afraid my dislike of him may be apparent. My condolences to his children and grandchildren; however, their mother/stepmother could have been a wonderful source of love and support, in this time of grieving — if he hadn’t decided to take her away from them…sorry, again my disdain is showing…

I will layout a timeline of of OJ and Nicole’s relationship, really the timeline of a Narcissist and his Victim, as well as following legal issues:

Ironically in the few months leading up to his recent death, OJ had close friends and family come and visit, but had them all sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), before leaving their visit. Was he unburdening his soul before dying, outlining what heinous things he had done? I guess we will never know, but that is what I staunchly believe.

I don’t dispute the fact that he was an incredible athlete and comedic actor. I loved watching football and he was a commentator that I remember. He was a great sidekick to Leslie Nielsen in the Naked Gun movies. I am not disputing that AT ALL. However, I think what came to light was how entitled he was and how he personally treated the people in his life as possessions. He didn’t think of his children when he divorced their mothers, or took his second wife away from her children. He risked imprisonment, also not thinking of what would become of his kids. It was the OJ Show and that’s all, as a narcissist, that he could see.

Once you have been a victim of domestic abuse, you cannot unsee things. Like how nearly EVERY picture of Nicole Brown Simpson showed her looking lost and forlorn, as a trapped women would feel. Her smiles looked forced, with a sadness behind her eyes. Even after divorce, she couldn’t escape from OJ and take his children; he’d hunt her down and continue to torment her. She tried her best to have some normalcy, privacy, and peace. She fought for it valiantly. She even tried to have a friendship with a man, on her terms, but was still denied that right. She knew, when she made that 9-1-1 call, OJ would eventually “get” her. She was like a caged animal and she knew it. God bless her. I hope she was at least a little happy, before she was destined to be killed, basking in Ron’s friendship and simply being true to herself. Just for a little while, at least. I also feel for Ron, who was there for Nicole, but definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sir, you were an innocent bystander, but I know you would’ve tried to protect her. I hate that you found her deceased, the ray of sunshine that she was, and then had to protect yourself. I wished you had arrived later, but obviously the killer had just performed his first unspeakable act when you arrived.

Caitlyn Jenner, I think, said what most people were thinking, upon hearing of OJ’s passing: “Good riddance.” Thanks, Caitlyn. I know you both appeared on a box of Wheaties, which is a definite sports accomplishment, but you all were never in the same class personally.

I will forever remember April 10, 2024 as Narcissist Liberation Day, because Karma finally caught up with a murderer. Justice wa served, just a wee bit late.

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