It’s my FAVORITE time of year! Bloganuary!!! This is my 3rd year participating! #bloganuary

My biggest challenges this year is purely surviving this year. Meaning, I’m still a single Mom, trying to get her autistic teenage son to finish up his high school education. He has one more test to pass on the HiSet test (high school equivalency). I did get him a job, which he is working, so we have that going for us. Once he passes the HiSet Math test, we need to work on him getting his license and a car. It’s a catch-22 thing: he needs a car to pursue his license and he needs his license to have a car. I am honestly thinking of borrowing against my 401(k), as his Dad is NO help, per usual. He wasn’t with the other two children, so I am not really sure why I would think that he would help with this one’s vehicle.

I also mean surviving financially. My bankruptcy is up at the end of January 2025!!! I have ONE MORE YEAR…I’ve survived four years of them taking $1700/month out of my paychecks…I’m in the homestretch!!!! MUST. KEEP. SWIMMING! After that I will sell my home — the home I was beaten in, in EVERY room. I cannot do that until after the bankruptcy is discharged. Then, my final child will be out of the house and living independently on his own! Currently, we are decluttering and consolidating our possessions, to simplify our lives!

I also have a health challenge of being pre-diabetic that I’m trying to get under control, as well as I just turned 50, and have chronic pain (from abuse). Surviving this year means I need to get healthier! I am eating a keto diet and lost 62 lbs in 2023. I have 44 more pounds to go!!! I am trying to workout, somehow, every dang day. I also have goals of achieving a Muddy Princess, a Mammoth March, and a few other 5K’s this year! I’m also starting to hike once per month. I’d like to tackle the 52 hikes in a year, but I think I’ll leave that goal for 2025. I’m also on a kick about getting my boyfriend healthy too, which I believe is against his will. LOL!

Lastly, I want to grow my DV/mental health blog and my DV advocacy. I have some great opportunities coming up with Damsel in Defense and Innertune. I want to increase my help and healing! I want to teach survivors about personal safety! I want to grow as a writer…I have SO MANY promising opportunities this year, I just hope I can keep up and take advantage of them!

I. AM. A. SURVIVOR! Here’s to health and wellness and happiness to all in 2024! Love and light! <3

2 thoughts on “Bloganuary Post for January 1: What Are Your Biggest Challenges?

  1. Laura, you are more than a survivor. You, my beautiful lady, are a Thriver! You are doing amazingly. You are an amazing mom, too. Your son is so blessed to have you. I wish him the best as he takes his test and the steps to getting his license. God bless you both.

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