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MENTAL HEALTH MONDAYS: Overcome Emotional Eating in 4 Steps

NOTE: With the holidays coming up, along with the stressors comes rich, sugary foods! I thought this post might be beneficial!

Do you feel like you have a never-ending battle with the scale? Are you tired of gaining weight that stays with you forever? The cause of your weight gain might be emotional overeating.

So, what is emotional overeating?

Emotional overeating is a complex topic, but it has essential elements that are easy to recognize.  

Emotional overeating is defined as disordered eating that is characterized by the compulsion to eat even if you’re full; essentially, you are trying to fill up with foods something else that you’re lacking. It tends to be a response to negative emotions or thoughts. It’s also seen as a coping strategy for those who are under stress or who have suffered abuse. 

Food often provides comfort for emotional eaters. But the comfort is only temporary! Emotional overeating can sabotage your diet and weight-loss goals. It can also negatively affect your health. 

Luckily, there are easy steps you can take today to stop emotional overeating! Try these strategies:

Emotional overeating doesn’t have to control your life. You can fight it and overcome it with these easy strategies. It does not hurt to be mindful, especially during the holiday season! <3

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