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MENTAL HEALTH MONDAY: 7 Unusual Ways to Curb Procrastination — Better Late Than Never!

NOTE: I included procrastination, because it is often a result of anxiety, PTSD, and stress. I know I am posting this LATE, but I’m trying to illustrate my point!

Everyone procrastinates. I mean EVERYONE. However, some of us are better at dealing with procrastination than others. You’re not alone if you procrastinate. The people that get things done are more effective at minimizing procrastination. You don’t have to remain a master at procrastination. You can choose to become a master of productivity!

Getting things done can be challenging. It’s much more challenging than not getting things done, in the short (very short) term.

However, procrastination has a steep price. It creates a lot of stress. Even while you’re avoiding a task, you’re stressed and anxious. You’ll also be much more stressed at the end when your deadline approaches.

Try these unusual strategies to deal with procrastination:

Procrastination occurs when not performing a task is perceived as less miserable than performing the task. Procrastination creates stress, and can even put your employment and relationships at risk. When you procrastinate too much, you ultimately fail to live up to the reasonable expectations of others.

Deal with procrastination by tackling it head on. Dig in and try these strategies. Start today. You’ll discover that you can beat procrastination and get things done.

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