Last night my boyfriend suggested that we watch a movie, especially since I need to rest and relax — my COVID has turned to bronchitis…yay me…

He knows I live murder mysteries and Gal Gadot, so he found the movie on Hulu. A side note: my Mom was a huge Agatha Christie fan, so I know she would’ve loved this rendition! It put me in a temporary happy place in that respect. I’d read this book long ago, so I knew how it would end. Still, it’s a great film!

What this post is really about is how once you’re a survivor of narcissistic abuse, you cannot un-see narcissists. This movie definitely had one as a major character. It had been a while since I had read the book and seen the older movie, so I forgot a bit, but the actor did a glaring rendition of a narcissist…spot on! I won’t ruin it because all of the actors did so wonderfully, that Agatha Christie, had she been alive, would’ve approved, and my Mom, had she still been alive, would’ve loved it too.

Narcissists have been around since the dawn of man. Not just men are narcissistic, so please do not think I’m attacking men. Pharaohs had to be narcissistic to a degree…they truly thought they were gods. They built temples to their greatness. I do get that they were rulers, but they could’ve also built temples to their gods and good things to benefit their people. THAT is not how narcissists operate…of course, I had to throw that in, because the majority of the movie is set in Egypt…

Everything was visually stunning, lending to the opulence of the time period. It was directed by Kenneth Branagh, who is an amazing director and Shakespearean actor.

Enjoy the film and see if you can spot the Narc!

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